Texas License Plate Lookup

Enter a Texas license plate to learn all about a vehicle you’re interested in.

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Approved NMVTIS Data Provider

Approved NMVTIS Data Provider

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From vehicle history reports and title checks to vehicle market value and depreciation calculations, our license plate search for Texas can help you find the info you need about a vehicle with a Texas license plate. Our Texas license plate search provides access to a wide range of data, including recalls, accident history, vehicle specs and more.

Try a trial Bumper subscription to get up to 50 Texas license plate and vehicle history reports per month!

What makes our Texas license plate search different?

A Texas license plate lookup is a search performed by entering a vehicle’s Texas license plate information into our search tool to find vehicle-specific info from our massive database—all sourced from public records provided by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and other government and third-party data sources such as NMVTIS.

Whether you’re galavanting around the Gulf or scooting around the Panhandle, if a vehicle you’re interested in has a Texas plate, we could help you find more information about its history and specifications. The Lone Star State is massive (second largest by population and land mass), but no matter where you live in Texas, we’ve got you covered.

Texas license plate lookup

Our license plate search covers vehicles all over the Lone Star State, but the top 10 metro areas of Texas by population that our license plate search can show vehicle information includes:

  1. Houston - The Woodlands - Sugarland: 7 million
  2. Dallas - Fort Worth - Arlington: 6.9 million
  3. San Antonio - New Braunfels: 2.5 million
  4. Austin - Round Rock: 2.2 million
  5. McAllen - Edinburg, Mission: 1.3 million
  6. El Paso: 844,818
  7. Corpus Christi: 421,000
  8. Killeen - Temple: 450,054
  9. Lubbock: 264,900
  10. Longview: 216,000

Because license plates are more visibly displayed, they’re easier to spot and look up than a Vehicle Identification Number. However, if you already have a Texas vehicle’s VIN, we can help you run a VIN search too!

What info can you find with a Texas license plate search?

We pull data from NHTSA, JD Power, NMVTIS and other industry leaders, as well as state-level agencies like the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. That means you can use our TX license plate search to find detailed reports with available vehicle-specific information, including:

  • Accident history
  • Past ownership
  • Liens on the vehicle
  • Salvage and other branded titles
  • Manufacturer recalls
  • Equipment and trim specifications
  • Sales history
  • Market value
  • Estimated ownership costs

Running a license plate search of a used vehicle you’re interested in can also be especially beneficial in order to show vehicles impacted by lemon laws or from title issues due to flooding damage from Texas’ notorious hurricanes.

When you use Bumper, the result of our Texas license plate searches reveals a wealth of information to help you decide if buying or selling a vehicle is the right move. Want to know what your vehicle is worth in Texas?

How can a TX license plate lookup help you?

A Texas license plate search provides vital information to help you navigate the complex roads of car buying, selling and ownership.

Perhaps you’ve got a car that you’d like to sell, but aren’t sure how much to ask for. Our license plate search can help you determine its market value, which is based on recent sales of similar vehicles, so you can set a reasonable price.

On the other hand, if you’re a car buyer in the Lone Star State, running a license plate lookup in Texas can yield valuable information about the vehicle’s history, including flood damage, salvaged titles, and liens. In these cases, a vehicle can go from a must-have to a hard pass.

Our Texas license plate search can also provide you with make, model and trim info, so you can find a vehicle’s estimated value in order to negotiate a competitive offer. And if you’re trying to decide between a few options, we can help you compare vehicles side by side.

Why use our Texas license plate search?

Rather than having to slog your way through a variety of sources, we can collate and compile need-to-know information about vehicles—all in one online dashboard, iOS and Google mobile apps, and downloadable PDF form.

Whether you want to negotiate a better deal, manage the costs of owning your current vehicle or sell your ride, you can count on us. Our Texas license plate search will arm you with the data you need to stay in the fast lane of car ownership in the great state of Texas!

Do you need front and rear plates in Texas?

Yes, you need front and rear plates in Texas. Front and rear plates are required in many states because it makes identifying vehicles easier for law enforcement and for motorist insurance liability reasons. This can make it even more straightforward for you to find the license plate number of the Texas-registered vehicle you’re hoping to gather information about.

And if you want more information about a vehicle with a license plate from a neighboring state, our license plate data covers all 50 states, including Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and even the more populated states like California, Florida, Illinois, and New York!

TX license plate search
TX license plate search

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