Jerry Renshaw is a veteran journalist and gearhead, and cultivated his mechanical skills with 30 years of turning wrenches to keep one piece of junk or another on the road. He’s owned everything from a Chevette to (three) minivans to a fire-breathing Dodge muscle truck, and is constantly keeping up to speed on what’s going on in the automotive world.


Why Does My Battery Keep Dying?

It's a bad sign if your car battery keeps dying. Read on to learn what to do to fix your battery so you no longer need regular jump starts.

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17 Car Salesman Tricks They Don't Want You to Know

Here’s a breakdown of a few tricks & tactics a salesperson might put on you to move you toward a purchase. Learn about car salesman tactics and how to deal with them.

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How to Stop Your Car From Shaking

Is your car shaking? A car shaking while driving may be a sign of a big problem. Read on to learn what to do about it and make your car safe again.

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How Long Does It Take to Get an Oil Change?

How long is an oil change? Read on to learn the average oil change time and how much time you need to budget for your next oil change.

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